Buccal Facial Massage


what is Facial sculpting massage & how will it benefit me?

The Sculptural Face Lifting Technique activates the internal resources of the body to enhance natural facial rejuvenation. It supports tightening or relaxed muscles and strengthening weakened facial musculature, while addressing the emotions held in the face to release inner blocks, soothe the emotions, and melt away stress. The face becomes more sculpted and this technique and trains the muscles to firm up where the collagen matrix has become weakened, and relax the muscles where they are overly tightened. Perhaps you notice words you have held back from saying, or emotions you have held back from feeling. The body remembers everything you have experienced, and sculpting facial massage has the ability to bring it up to the surface and flush it out of the body, mind, and spirit. TMJ for example responds extremely well to buccal sculpting facial massage. This method is performed without the use of surgery and injections – it is done manually by toning, strengthening and relaxing the basic facial muscles. As a result, facial muscles relax and muscle tone returns to normal; spasms are removed, which in turn restores the natural posture of the face. Appearance and elasticity of the skin improves via improved blood and lymph circulation, stimulating cell turnover and regeneration.

how is the procedure performed?

The procedure is performed first on the neck and face to open the lymph nodes and increase circulation in the neck, bringing more nutrients to the face that may be blocked due to tension in the spine. With gloved hands, a tailored protocol will be performed inside of the mouth. Internal facial massage includes going into the mouth and massaging the muscles that support the structure of the face and realign the muscles that attach to bones in the skull, and hold the power to balance the cranial bones and hormones. For example, the lateral and medial pterygoid muscle attaches to the sphenoid bone holding the pituitary gland, the “master CEO” of your endocrine system. Although slightly uncomfortable for this part, each session will go slowly to release these structures and bring your body into balance at your own pace. Acupressure is also performed, providing a deeper treatment to tone the muscles and release stuck energy.