Celluma LED light therapy


what is LED light therapy?

Light therapy is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits and improve cellular performance. Light therapy can be delivered through light emitting diode (LEDs) devices and has a variety of applications.

It has been widely researched and is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed and published clinical research papers from prestigious institutions around the world. LED therapy is non-invasive, painless, requires no recovery time, and can be used safely on all skin types.

Research indicates that cells absorb photons, which are particles of light, then transform their energy into ATP, a form of energy that cells can utilize. The resulting elevation of ATP is then used to power metabolic processes; synthesize DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes, and other products needed to repair or regenerate cell components and restore homeostasis. LED lights provide compromised cells with added energy so the cells performance is enhanced. For example, fibroblast cells will increase collagen and elastin production in connective tissue to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and increase the rate of wound healing.

Red Light Therapy: Improves circulation, reduces inflammation

Blue Light Therapy: Diminishes acne bacteria, clears breakouts

Red & Blue Light: Increases collagen and elastin production, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves the skin’s firmness and resilience.

If you’re among the 50% of Americans who are struggling with hair loss, you’ve likely looked into Low-Level Laser Therapy. LLLT is also referred to as Laser Phototherapy (LPT) and laser hair growth. Laser hair growth treatment has the power to stop hair loss. It also thickens existing hair and grows new hair. At Gem & Tonic we have personal experience with the success of the Theradome helmet with before and afters. We offer three types of light therapy for different conditions: pain, skin tissue healing, and hair regrowth.

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